Cast Iron Steak Fajita Pan Sizzling Plate with Wooden Base
Most people love steaks, giving a steak extra sizzle is one of the best ways to dress it up and enhance its taste; that’s why many restaurants today will serve steaks on a sizzling plate.
Most sizzling plates need to be “seasoned”, particularly if they are made of cast iron. Before using the sizzling plate, it must be put directly to the burner of the stove to remove the carbon. Let the plate cool down before washing it with water, then wipe the plate using a clean cloth. After drying the plate, it can now be used. After using the plate, wash using steel wool pads/scrubbers and soap. Rinse with water. After washing, wipe the plate using a clean dry cloth. After wiping with a clean cloth, wipe again using cooking oil to avoid rust during storage. You may also use a tissue to wipe off excess oil.
Following these instructions will prevent your sizzle plate from rusting. These steps are to be followed each time the plate is used, but the effort is well worth it when you hear the sizzle as you serve an otherwise boring steak. A sizzle plate serves double duty because you can use it to heat the food as well as to serve it. You can buy these plates — made of stainless steel, aluminum, or cast iron — to use at home.
Preheat your oven to 500 degrees Fahrenheit. Put the sizzle plates in the oven for 10 minutes. Cook the food until it’s almost done. Remove the sizzle plates from the oven and set them into wood underliners. Place the cooked food on the sizzle plates, making sure that some of the cooking juices also make it on the cast iron steak plates. Serve immediately.
The chef reminds sizzle plate users to make sure the food has some moisture when it is placed on the sizzle plate set; this is what allows it to sizzle.
Using a steak sizzle plate is a fairly simple process, but it adds a lot of pizzazz to any dish.
The final steps to putting that extra step in your steak. “The process is quite simple. An oiled cast iron thick plate is heated over a flame to just less than the oil smoking temperature. This is then transferred to a trivet or carrier wooden tray and the food served onto the cast iron sizzling plate. Immediately it will begin to sizzle and splatter somewhat…
The sizzling food needs to be brought to the diner’s table immediately as the heat will dissipate enough to stop the sizzling quite quickly.
Once the steak is ready, you can sit back with a glass of your favorite red wine, and enjoy the sizzle that comes with it.
This cast iron Fajita pan is perfect for grilling a steak. This Fajita pan is made of cast iron and distributes and retains heat evenly, providing you with the ultimate cooking surface. It is the best choice for wholesale cast iron pots and iron pot distributors.
This cast iron Fajita pan is 38cm x 18cm, the size can be customized according to your needs.
The Cast Iron Fajita pan delivers heavy-duty performance, with lower sidewalls and a wider cooking surface. Great for the stovetop, campfire, or oven.
A good seasoning makes all the difference. Sarchi seasons its cookware with 100% vegetable oil; no synthetic coatings or chemicals. The more you use your iron, the better the seasoning will get.
Our company has a sizzling plate for sale, welcome to consult!
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